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Containerlization and Virtual Machines

Install Docker Minimal

Install Docker Minimal

This operation will install Docker Minimal.


Text Only
armbian-config --cmd CON001

Author: @schwar3kat

Status: Stable

What is Docker? Docker helps developers build, share, run, and verify applications anywhere - without tedious environment configuration or management.

Install Docker Engine

This operation will install Docker Engine.


Text Only
armbian-config --cmd CON002

Author: @schwar3kat

Status: Stable

Remove Docker

This operation will purge Docker.


Text Only
armbian-config --cmd CON003

Author: @schwar3kat

Status: Stable

Purge all Docker images, containers, and volumes

This operation will delete all Docker images, containers, and volumes.


Text Only
armbian-config --cmd CON004

Author: @schwar3kat

Status: Stable

Install Portainer

Install Portainer

Portainer simplifies your Docker container management via Portainer web interface. It enables faster deploy of the applications and it gives real time visibility.


Text Only
armbian-config --cmd CON005

Author: @armbian

Status: Stable

The web interface is accessible via port 9002:

  • URL = http://<your.IP>:9002

Remove Portainer


Text Only
armbian-config --cmd CON006

Author: @armbian

Status: Stable

Watchtower install

Watchtower install

Watchtower is an application that will monitor your running Docker containers and watch for changes to the images that those containers were originally started from. If watchtower detects that an image has changed, it will automatically restart the container using the new image.


Text Only
armbian-config --cmd CON007

Author: @armbian

Status: Stable

Every day watchtower will pull the latest images and compare it to the one that was used to run the certain container. If it sees that the image has changed it will stop/remove containers and then restart it using the new image and the same docker run options that were used to start the container initially.

Watchtower remove


Text Only
armbian-config --cmd CON008

Author: @armbian

Status: Stable