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Extension Hooks

  • This file is autogenerated by the armbian/build repository.


  • Hooks are listed in the order they are called.


give the config a chance to override the family/arch defaults

This hook is called after the family configuration (sources/families/xxx.conf) is sourced. Since the family can override values from the user configuration and the board configuration, it is often used to in turn override those.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • config_tweaks_post_family_config


Invoke function with user override

Allows for overriding configuration values set anywhere else. It is called after sourcing the lib.config file if it exists, but before assembling any package lists.


allow extensions to prepare their own config, after user config is done

Implementors should preserve variable values pre-set, but can default values an/or validate them. This runs after user_config. Don’t change anything not coming from other variables or meant to be configured by the user.


For final user override, using a function, after all aggregations are done

Called after aggregating all package lists, before the end of Packages will still be installed after this is called, so it is the last chance to confirm or change any packages.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • user_config_post_aggregate_packages


give config a chance modify CTHREADS programatically. A build server may work better with hyperthreads-1 for example.

Called early, before any compilation work starts.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • config_post_determine_cthreads


run before installing host dependencies

you can add packages to install, space separated, to ${EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS} here.


fetch host-side sources needed for tools and build

Run early to fetch_from_repo or otherwise obtain sources for needed tools.


build needed tools for the build, host-side

After sources are fetched, build host-side tools needed for the build.


give config a chance to act before install_distribution_specific

Called after create_rootfs_cache (prepare basic rootfs: unpack cache or create from scratch) but before install_distribution_specific (install distribution and board specific applications).

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • config_pre_install_distribution_specific


called before installing the Armbian-built kernel deb packages

It is not too late to unset KERNELSOURCE here and avoid kernel install.


allow config to do more with the installed kernel/headers

Called after packages, u-boot, kernel and headers installed in the chroot, but before the BSP is installed. If KERNELSOURCE is (still?) unset after this, Armbian-built firmware will not be installed.


customize the tweaks made by $LINUXFAMILY-specific family_tweaks

It is run after packages are installed in the rootfs, but before enabling additional services. It allows implementors access to the rootfs (${SDCARD}) in its pristine state after packages are installed.


run before

This hook is called before is executed and before the overlay is mounted. It thus can be used for the same purposes as without the overlay.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • image_tweaks_pre_customize


post hook

Run after the script is run, and the overlay is unmounted.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • image_tweaks_post_customize


run after removing diversions and qemu with chroot unmounted

Last chance to touch the ${SDCARD} filesystem before it is copied to the final media. It is too late to run any chrooted commands, since the supporting filesystems are already unmounted.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • config_post_debootstrap_tweaks


allow custom options for mkfs

Good time to change stuff like mkfs opts, types etc.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • prepare_partitions_custom


allow dynamically determining the size based on the $rootfs_size

Called after ${rootfs_size} is known, but before ${FIXED_IMAGE_SIZE} is taken into account. A good spot to determine FIXED_IMAGE_SIZE based on rootfs_size. UEFISIZE can be set to 0 for no UEFI partition, or to a size in MiB to include one. Last chance to set USE_HOOK_FOR_PARTITION=yes and then implement create_partition_table hook_point.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • config_prepare_image_size


called after all partitions are created, but not yet formatted


if you created your own partitions, this would be a good time to format them

The loop device is mounted, so ${LOOP}p1 is it’s first partition etc.


allow config to hack into the initramfs create process

Called after rsync has synced both /root and /root on the target, but before calling update_initramfs.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • config_pre_update_initramfs


allow config to hack into the image before the unmount

Called before unmounting both /root and /boot.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • config_pre_umount_final_image


allow config to hack into the image after the unmount

Called after unmounting both /root and /boot.

Also known as (for backwards compatibility only):

  • config_post_umount_final_image


custom post build hook

Called after the final .img file is built, before it is (possibly) written to an SD writer.

  • NOTE: this hook used to take an argument ($1) for the final image produced. - Now it is passed as an environment variable ${FINAL_IMAGE_FILE} It is the last possible chance to modify $CARD_DEVICE.


hook for function to run after build, i.e. to change owner of $SRC

Really one of the last hooks ever called. The build has ended. Congratulations.

  • NOTE: this will run only if there were no errors during build process.


meta-Meta time!

Implement this hook to work with/on the meta-data made available by the extension manager. Interesting stuff to process:

  • "${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point_calls.txt" contains a list of all hook points called, in order.
  • For each hook_point in the list, more files will have metadata about that hook point. - ${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/ contains the hook documentation at the call site (inline docs), hopefully in Markdown format. - ${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point.compat contains the compatibility names for the hooks. - ${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point.exports contains exported environment variables. - ${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point.vars contains all environment variables.
  • ${defined_hook_point_functions} is a map of all the defined hook point functions and their extension information.
  • ${hook_point_function_trace_sources} is a map of all the hook point functions that were really called during the build and their BASH_SOURCE information.
  • ${hook_point_function_trace_lines} is the same, but BASH_LINENO info. After this hook is done, the ${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR} will be removed.